Honors Prealgebra (8th Grade Math) Office Hours


Make your learning personal with Thinkwell Office Hours! Our certified math instructors will lead your student in real-time Zoom sessions to help answer any questions that might arise as part of the Honors Prealgebra Math course.

This offering will provide access to scheduled, one-on-one, 15-minute Office Hours sessions with our math instructors, excluding holidays (view the holiday calendar). Scheduling is limited to a total of two hours per calendar month. The subscription will auto-renew each month, and you can cancel at any time.

Starting August 21, 2023, Thinkwell Office Hours will be:

  • Monday and Wednesday, 9am - 12pm CST 
  • Tuesday and Thursday, 2pm - 5pm CST
  • Friday, 10am - 12pm CST

    Schedule a 15-minute, one-on-one session with one of our certified math instructors during these timeframes to address any questions your student has about the course content. Office Hours sessions are recorded and available for playback so your students can review anything they missed. Attendance is optional – sign up for a session to support your learning goals. Hope to see you there!

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