When To Outsource Math: Thinkwell Review
[My son] started right away with his Algebra 2 course, excited to jump back into polynomials after the trigonometry and proofs he had finished in Geometry…The online lectures and practice problems allowed for immediate feedback and grading, and he eagerly completed as many lessons as I would let him! Even my younger children clustered around the computer for every online lecture, fascinated by Professor Burger. – Excerpt from: Rosie-ablogformymom.
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Review: Thinkwell Honors 8th Grade Math
“We like Thinkwell. We've been looking for a Math curriculum that would work well with [my daughter], and that I would be able to monitor easily. Thinkwell's Honors 8th Grade Math is the first online one we've tried, and it's working out quite well. She thinks that the instructor, Professor Edward Burger, can sometimes be corny, but I hear her snickering often. No need to force [my daughter] to do Math. She actually asks to do Thinkwell every day… She likes the instructor; aside from being funny, he can explain the lessons in a way that sinks in.”
–Excerpt from: Rainy Days & Mom Days.
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Homeschool Crew Review: Thinkwell Prealgebra
“We love the video instruction. The teacher is funny and interesting and the videos are a good length. He does a great job of using visual examples and showing how to do everything step by step. I love the combination of online and printable exercises. You can choose what works best for your child or do both if extra practice is needed. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that everything is worked out step by step. This is so important especially as students move into upper levels of math. The daily work and quizzes and tests have a good amount of problems. There are enough questions to give the students enough practice but not too many that they are overwhelmed. I like that the grades for the quizzes and tests are stored. The biggest pro? [my son] understands it. He is doing very well with his lessons and understanding why he misses something when he gets it wrong.” –Excerpt from: The Happy Homeschool Mom.
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Thinkwell Homeschool High School Math REVIEW
“We think the Algebra I Honors course is working quite well for us and we will continue with it the rest of the school year. If you have middle or high schoolers who need a different math approach and you are burned out with trying to help them, then we would recommend Thinkwell as a great option.” –Excerpt from: 4 One More, Homeschool with Moxie.
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Thinkwell Online Math Program - REVIEW
“As a mother of a large family, I like it when my middle school students are more independent in their studies. Thinkwell’s Math courses are the perfect way to learn 7th Grade Math in an independent manner. I have one middle school student and math is probably one of his most challenging subjects. He definitely works better when he can follow clear instructions and when he is not easily distracted. Thinkwell’s online math is well laid out, easy to follow and an all-round good fit for my struggling math student.” –Excerpt from: Meaningful Explorations.
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Thinkwell Homeschool- 6th to 8th Grade Math Program Review
“[My daughter said]… that her favorite part is that she is watching the video of a real person. Not just hearing a voice and seeing the figures appear on the screen.
I really did like that I could print extra worksheets to sit down and go through with her if I saw her struggling on any material. This has been great for me. I did not have to chase down worksheets to help her. I can also track her finished work so that I know what she has and has not completed. I also like that they have included some good outside links for games and websites to help explore more if she is still struggling in any area. We are definitely enjoying and sticking with Thinkwell Homeschool Grade 6 Math for [my daughter]!!” –Excerpt from: Krazy Keuhner Days.
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Thinkwell Homeschool {Homeschool Review Crew}
“From the first video lesson [my son] watched, he was hooked. He now says it is one of his most favorite math programs. I think that says a lot, because he's tried several that he really likes...and he's my math ‘connoisseur’!” –Excerpt from: Life on Chickadee Lane.
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Thinkwell Homeschool Honors Math (Review)
“My girls all loved Thinkwell Homeschool math. Specifically, they loved the teaching style of Professor Edward Burger. [My daughter] told me, ‘It’s like you’re not even learning math! He uses songs and things to teach, so then it’s just fun.’ I loved this because it meant that my girls were excited for math. And even though they were all taking challenging courses, they didn’t complain because he made the lessons engaging. Because they were having fun, the lessons felt easier...What they were learning stuck! It was great listening to them share with each other what Professor Burger did in their lesson. By sharing they were also recounting the math concepts they learned, so I know that they were actually remembering and understanding what they were being taught. Great teachers lead to great learning. We definitely saw that with Professor Edward Burger.” –Excerpt from: Some Call It Destiny.
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Thinkwell Review
“So, what did we think? For us, I think this could truly be something we could use long term. And I have never said that about a program before...especially a Math program. [My son] is happy, learning and motivated. What else could I ask for? I love that everything is graded for me besides the worksheets. And that he can watch the videos multiple times if needed. I love that there is a checklist to track what has been done and that we both have access to it. I also love all the extra resources available to him like the glossary, discussion boards and links. For us, this has been working wonderfully and I think if you have a child that needs to see a problem worked out this could be for you. If your child likes things simple and no flashy animations, this is perfect for them. If you are looking for a solid curriculum online that comes with an amazing Instructor, this may be what you have been praying for.”
–Excerpt from: Loud Mouth Momma.
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Thinkwell Review
My daughter likes to do school on her own. She has preferred the online method over books for a couple of years now. [Thinkwell] was different in the sense that instead of reading instructions for her work she was actually getting video instructions to watch and then on to doing her practice work. I liked that it automatically graded her stuff and that it gave her feedback so she could correct herself or go back and review the instructional videos again. We also had the option to print the notes for her to follow along with or have handy while doing the work to go back and remember steps and rules. We really enjoyed this program altogether and will continue using it to fulfill her Geometry credit for highschool. I also like that she can go at her own pace with it and go quicker when she wishes. She has always gotten bored at doing a slow pace program. If you want something to help take the lead for your kiddos you should check it out. –Excerpt from: Earthy Mama.
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Thinkwell’s Grade 6 Math Review
“What I love about Thinkwell is that using a pencil and paper is highly encouraged and something I think needs to be done in order to keep the thinking process straight and do avoid missing steps. [My son] hasn’t been a fan of using paper and pencil and “showing his work” in the past, but now he’s beginning to get the hang of it and understand why it’s a good idea and good practice to do. Now when an answer is wrong, we can look together and see where the error originated. Learning to use a pencil and paper and understanding how it helps, in the long run, is a big thing and it’s resulted in greater understanding and fewer errors as well. This is a program [my son] will certainly be continuing into the future. –Excerpt from: Castle View Academy.
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Algebra 1 with Thinkwell (A Homeschool Review Crew Post)
“[Thinkwell’s] Professor Burger is just plain awesome. He is engaging, easy to understand, and as entertaining with Algebra as one is inclined to be….Thinkwell is very well organized and easy to navigate.” –Excerpt from: Charge for Whining.
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Review of Thinkwell High School Math
“I love the convenience of our daughter being able to watch the videos and do the exercises...The videos are clear, concise, and do an excellent job of explaining what the students will be doing. As a former math teacher, and someone who loves math, I appreciate the fact the problems being demonstrated correspond to what our daughter has to do on her own. I love how our family had the ability to jump around in the course to the sections our daughter needed to work on. I also appreciated the fact that the online exercises for the sections we worked on could be printed and worked out on paper prior to completing the answers on the computer. Another handy feature is the fact that real-time feedback is given. So when our daughter put in her answer for a problem, she immediately knew if she got it right or wrong. But in addition to just saying if the answer is right or wrong, the solution is also displayed which helps ensure your child can see what they needed to do if they got the problem wrong.” –Excerpt from: Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy.
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Thinkwell - 6th to 8th Grade Math (Pre-Algebra) - A Crew Review
“This quickly became the curriculum that we, and more specifically, my 14-year-old, has been searching for...In this course, both easy and difficult examples are provided, hurray! In addition, when the problems are automatically corrected as you answer, an explanation also is displayed with the answer, which is especially helpful when an answer is wrong. This constant review has been fantastic, and my daughter raves about this course. She actually worked through 12 lessons in the first 2 days of using Thinkwell. "Did we like the program?" I answer with a resounding YES! My daughter has made it clear in no uncertain terms that Thinkwell is the Math course that she wants to use from now on. With the results that we've experienced this far, I'm in complete agreement. From a struggling-Math-student turned homeschool mom, try it and see for yourself.” –Excerpt from: School Days.
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Online Math With Thinkwell Homeschool
“The videos presented by Ph.D Professor Edward Burger and are clear and concise. There is no fluff and I like that about the program, especially in the higher-level course like Pre-Calculus. I also love that the program is ready right after setting up your account. This makes it easy to know that even if we can’t hit the hardcover math books, Thinkwell is there for us and we can still get lessons in on the go. Overall, [we] are excited about using this math curriculum. I certainly love it as well because the girls don’t complain when it’s a Thinkwell math day. We definitely will be continuing to use our Thinkwell 7th-grade math and Pre-Calculus courses for this school year 2 days a week.” –Excerpt from: A Stable Beginning.
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